This Canadian Video Game Restaurant is the Stuff of Triforce Legend

The notion of a gaming-themed bar is not a new one. Video games and booze, naturally, go pretty well together. However, another one of mankind's favorite activities also goes great with joysticks and buttons: eating. Aside from the Ms. Pac-Man console at your local greasy spoon, there isn't much gaming to be had in the restaurant world. That is, until now.

Enter Canada's brand new EXP Restaurant. From the name of the establishment right on to the menu items, this is a gamer's nirvana. What can you get here? There's a Zelda-inspired Triforce Burger, a heaping plate of Super Smash Nachos and a whole bunch of drinks named after Pokemon.

The restaurant has plenty of themed memorabilia on the walls and, of course, a giant-screen television that you can play games on. If you are particularly hungry, competitively speaking, EXP also hosts Super Smash Bros and Goldeneye tournaments.

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