Company Backed By Bill Gates Creates Fake Eggs and Mayo

Life can be pretty hard out there for a vegan. Sure, there's the lack of cheeseburgers and (real) pizza, but the hardest part is the stuff you don't think about. Most decadent desserts are totally off limits, including an array of delicious baked goods. Bill Gates, among others, have invested heavily in Hampton Creek Foods, which seeks to end this plant-based dilemma.

Their solution? A brand new egg substitute made from plants. They are calling it Beyond Eggs, and it's intended for use in all manner of cake bossing. It's a mix of 12 plants that, taken together, emulate the nutritional content and over-all dexterity of your average egg. They are also hard at work at an artificial mayo, which they are calling Just Mayo.

The products have just been unveiled and are available at Whole Foods in California. They hope to advance to supermarkets nationwide in the coming months.

Next Up

A Dream Realized: Robotics Company Creates Burger-making Robot

A San Francisco-based robotics firm called Momentum Machines is putting the finishing touches on the world’s first burger-making robot.


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