Cooking the Channel: BLT Bruschetta
I've been known to make BLT sandwiches once a week all summer, while tomatoes are at their peak. The classic BLT is quick, simple and requires very little planning, shopping or cooking. My secret ingredients: mayo and crunchy peanut butter—mayo slathered on the top slice of bread and PB on the bottom. It's really hard to beat (honestly, go try it!), but I'm always on the lookout for new riffs on my favorite sandwich.
Chuck Hughes is one of my favorite new Cooking Channel chefs, so I was excited to try his Italian-style BLT Bruschetta. The recipe is intended as an appetizer for 6 and great for a crowd, but I scaled it back as a quick dinner for 2. Chuck's secret ingredients: goat cheese, basil and pancetta. (Slightly more sophisticated than peanut butter.) What I like about this recipe is how he tosses the tomatoes with salt, pepper, vinegar, shallot and herbs before piling them on the sandwich, making a flavor-packed tomato salad.
I'm not setting aside my mayo and PB for good, but this was definitely a tasty way to switch up my weekly BLT routine.
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Summer Fest: Easy Tomato Galette
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