Cookie #5: Jeffrey Saad's Orange Clove Spiced Biscotti

By: Melanie Rehak

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12 Days of Cookies

Cooking Channel is joining Food Network for our first annual cookie swap, 12 Days of Cookies. Each day, visit us here for a look at new holiday cookies, party-planning tips and top techniques for rolling, spooning, slicing, baking and decorating delicious sweet treats to give — or keep — from favorite chefs and Food People. Then visit for great takes on holiday baking from Food Network chefs — cookies by the dozen to celebrate all season.

Jeffrey Saad has his hands in the cookie jar, and he's bringing out his love for exotic spices. It's no wonder his unique twist on the coffee shop favorite is bursting with flavor.

Jeffrey's Orange Clove Spiced Biscotti have all the crunch and texture you'd expect, plus candied almonds for a bit of chewiness to balance them out. The additional touch of citrus and clove mean his biscotti not only pair perfectly with coffee, cappuccino and dessert wine, but shine all on their own.

12 Days of Cookies:
What's dessert do you think pairs best with coffee?

Melanie Rehak, author of Eating for Beginners, has been baking cookies since she was old enough to climb onto the kitchen stool. She's partial to Zimtsterne—cinnamon stars—for the holidays, but loves most cookies all year long.


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