Google Zeitgeist 2010: Top Food Searches
Google has released their annual end-of-the-year search term report, and it's always interesting to take a look back and see how the world searched in 2010. Were people more interested in the World Cup or the Olympics? Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber? But, due to an obsession with all things food, I was more curious what foods topped the search term list for 2010 than what pop star. Was America hungry for burgers or pizza? Cake or cupcakes? We've got the top 10 food search terms from 2010 after the jump.
This superstar of the soup world topped the charts in 2010. It's comfort food to an extreme.
Just like your mama makes. But not really, since you found the recipe on the internet.
Americans were seeking out this super indulgent treat in 2010. I can only hope they found Nadia G's kicking key lime habenero take on it.
Were we all sick a lot in 2010? This cure-all is cheap and easy, so it's not a surprise to see it on the list.
Let them eat cake, she said. And eat cake we did. Still, it's surprising that cake made the list, while the ever-so-popular cupcake is no where to be seen.
Lasagna is one of those dishes you can master and make your own. It can also get controversial: cottage cheese? Ricotta? Vegetarian? What exactly is the "ultimate" lasagna? We in America were curious.
This was a surprise item on the list. Though, now that I think about it, I could go for some meatloaf right about now.
Brunch, breakfast in bed, breakfast for dinner -- pancakes are a hot topic. Just think about the popularity of I-Hop.
Skip the jarred stuff. We were all about making our own in 2010.