Bronx Zoo Snake Lands New Show on Cooking Channel

By: Frank Samperi

Yesterday morning's discovery of the Egyptian Cobra who'd gone missing from the Bronx Zoo drew sighs of relief from neighboring New Yorkers. The 5-day search led zoo officials to its hiding spot in a cozy corner of the zoo's Reptile House.

But what is drawing most attention is news that Cooking Channel has announcing a joint partnership with the Bronx Zoo Cobra. Cobra Can Cook will launch in late May, just in time for grilling season.

"Sssteaks, sssucculent sssides ... and other sssizzling sssurprises are what's in ssstore for my fansss," says the Cobra.

"The Bronx Zoo Cobra will help us tap into a whole new audience of cooking fans who also love snakes," adds a Cooking Channel programming exec. "We're very exsssited."

The network is already in discussions with the Cobra for future show concepts, including SSSumptous Sssoups and  Mice Are Nice (to Eat).

Cooking Channel is also drawing on ideas from fans for new possible shows with the Cobra, so submit your ideas below.

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