3 Recipes for Farro Salads

There's nothing quite as simple and substantial as adding nutrient-rich farro to roasted vegetables or vinaigrette-tossed salads.
By: Kelsey Vala

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Farro Salad Recipe

Lately, farro has been getting a lot of attention, and here's why: there's nothing quite as simple and substantial as adding nutrient-rich farro to roasted vegetables or vinaigrette-tossed salads. This spelt-like grain is an ancient strand of wheat from Italy, and it adds a distinctive nutty flavor and chewy texture to any dish.  Hearty and rustic farro salads are a delicious way to incorporate more whole grains in your life.

Here are three recipes where farro takes center-stage:
Get the Recipe: Kale Salad (pictured above)

Tamari and nutty sesame oil make the perfect salty dressing to toss with roasted, chip-like leaves of kale and toasted coconut.  Serve this salad on a bed of tender farro.

This farro salad of yellow squash, zucchini, eggplant and fresh mint makes a great companion to thin, juicy slices of pork tenderloin.

Get the Recipe: Shrimp and Farro Salad

Nothing is quite as refreshing as a chilled, crisp salad of delightfully nutty farro, cannellini beans, shrimp and watercress tossed in a bright mint dressing. 

More Recipes with Healthy Whole Grains: 

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