Get Fitz and The Tantrums' Dinner Party Playlist
We caught up with the beautiful Noelle Scaggs from Fitz & The Tantrums just after their set at the Outside Lands Music Festival in San Francisco to talk about what she eats on the road, cooks at home, plus some of her favorite dinner party tracks:
I am one of those people that likes to Yelp a lot. When you end up in some random city you've never been in, you can find some really cool places. I'm a huge breakfast person and on those occasions I look for the really cool mom and pop diners. Anything that has "Blue Bird" in the name!
I do these dinner parties at a friend's who has a garden where he grows all his vegetables. So we pick a lot of food from the garden and then I'll create an entree to go with it.
At the last dinner party we had I made a crab cake. It's breaded and mixed in a with little wild pink salmon and some wasabi. I used my big iron skillet that I love and that's completely seasoned. You get all of those amazing flavors.
Her dinner party playlist (click titles to listen on Spotify):
I'm a big Radiohead fan; love Tom York. "Harrowdown Hill" is actually one of my favorites. It's perfect for a little cooking. Fits right in the background with a great little beat.
Norah Jones' new record is incredible. Anything from her is perfect.
I'm a huge "On The Beach" fan. I can not wait to watch him tonight!
Always good to throw in a track from Fitz!
Throw on an old Prince beat to get the party started and everybody will be ready for the wine and everything else.
Photo and interview by Andrew Wintner of The Beat Advisory.