Happy National Pecan Cookie Day!

By: Kevin Bender

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National Pecan Cookie Day Zac Young's Cranberry Pecan Oat Cookie Recipe

Happy National Pecan Cookie Day! We're celebrating the way we celebrate most every holiday: with boozy baked goods. Zac Young's Cranberry Pecan Oat Cookies with Bourbon Glaze might not be your traditional pecan cookie, but we think it's the pecan's toasty flavor + crunchy texture that's the key to these delicious chewy cookies. These would pair well with a tall glass of cold milk, or for that matter, our Cereal Milk Cocktail.

Don't worry if you were craving something a bit more traditional: we've got you covered there, too.

Pecan Sandies With Beautiful Toasted Pecans

Giant toasted pecan halves top these nutty, buttery shortbread cookies along with a blizzard of granulated sugar.

Maple-Pecan Cookie Recipe

Pressing toasted pecan halves into maple syrup-scented dough is an excellent way to celebrate this national holiday.

Pecan Bars Recipe

These bars incorporate the four major food groups: Nutty, gooey, sweet, and buttery.

Pecan Pie Cookie Recipe

If there ever were a perfect day to transform your favorite ooey-gooey pie into portable cookie form, today is that day.

More Pecan Perfection:

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