Rock This Look: Nadia G.'s Office Wear

By: Nadia G

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Nadia G. is back in da house! Well, she’s actually back at the office to bring some life to your Office Lunches. But that doesn’t mean a pantsuit is gonna fly! You know it wouldn’t be Nadia G. without a little multicolored print and a lot of punchy pumps. In Office Lunches, we’re going for statement pieces, pulled together with some soft waves and makeup, making for a freakin’ sweet outfit.


When you tell your boss that there’s no way you’re staying overtime, you’re going to have to give some serious puppy dog eyes, bro. A good start is some flattering eyeshadow, and these M.A.C colors, “ Brun” and “ Shroom” work a double shift because they’re perfect for day and can be rocked out for night.


A little bit of blush goes a long way when we’re talking about looking fresh. Your coworkers don’t have to know how late you were up last night! M.A.C ‘ Dolly Mix’ flatters all faces.


The office relationship is a dangerous one, but that doesn’t mean a little ‘ Girl About Town’ lipstick should be avoided. This bold pink should not be saved for Fridays. Hey, maybe it’ll win you the last cruller in the break room!

Nail Polish

Say what you will, but when we’re tapping away on our keyboards, chipped nails are the first thing we notice! Look fresh with Nadia’s choice, ‘ Kandall-ed Up’ by O.P.I. Maybe you’ll find yourself some Kardashian style success. You know, the type that doesn’t involve work.

Featured Accessory

Nadia G is rockin’ some seriously cool pieces this episode, but we simply could not overlook the Queen Baby Knotted Cord with Skulls. This bracelet is a simple and sexy way to show those around you that you don’t mind collecting skulls! Hey, fear in the workplace means power. C’mon.

Fun fact: Nads' bracelet is a quasi custom design she bought while in LA. You can find her cool pendants from the same maker.


You may feel like a sheep when it comes to choosing the cubicle 9-5, but you can stand out of the pack in this multi colored print knockout! Nadia is rocking Betsey, and we’re holding out hope that her stuff starts popping up on vintage racks and at garage sales! Rock this piece with a blazer and you’re good to go. For something similar, check out this print.


Don’t stop at the dress! The aisles between cubicles are your catwalk, and these Brian Atwood ‘Marilyn’ Multi-Colored Pumps should make you feel as glamorous as their namesake! In fact, make that extra trip to the water color because you’re going to want to show these off.

Recipes for Your Office Lunches:

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