Hump Day Snack: Deodorant Candy

A company called Alpi has put the finishing touches on their aptly named Deo Perfume Candy which supposedly make you smell good when you eat them.
Deodorant Candy

We all like to smell good. Not only does it keep us popular with potential mates, but it also keeps us from getting mistaken for a landfill. What lengths are we willing to go to remain freshly scented though? A Bulgarian confectioner is betting those lengths are long indeed. They are betting we like smelling nice so much that we'll eat our deoderant.

It's true! A company called Alpi has put the finishing touches on their aptly named Deo Perfume Candy. When you eat one, it leads to rose-scented body secretions. Really. The trick is the addition of geraniol, a naturally occurring compound found in flowers, vanilla and lavender. Once you munch, the geraniol makes it's odorific trip throughout your body. Before long you'll be smelling as fresh as a daisy. At least that's the claim.


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