New Web Service Pairs Recipes and Music

The new web service Sandwichfunk pairs recipes with appropriate music playlists.

Let us paint an all-too familiar picture: It's a Monday night and you are at home whipping up a meal for that special someone. What do you listen to while you chop, dice and saute? Certainly not silence or, gasp, conversation. No, preparing food demands music. It can be difficult to find the right accompaniment to the meal you are cooking, however.

That's where Sandwichfunk comes in. This new web service pairs recipes with appropriate music playlists. Grilled cheese? They suggest some Sugarhill Gang. Chicken cutlet sandwich? Go for the Paul Simon. Each playlist is timed to match how long it takes the meal to cook up.

The site is still in its infancy but they already have dozens of recipes and playlists available for your perusal.


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