How to Spend a Snow Day

Check out some of Nadia G.'s favorite ways to spend a snow day.
By: Nadia G

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Growing up in Montreal, I know a thing or two about snow. We’re talking car-burying, boot-filling and hermit-making snow days that don’t mean a day off work but rather hustling your way TO work in a foot of snow! But if you're lucky enough to actually get to stay home, check out some of my favorite ways to spend a snow day.

Get Outta Town

Bey yeah. Being Canadian doesn’t mean loving snow; it means tolerating it until you can take off! Think beaches, drinks in coconuts and trading in your biggest parka for your smallest bikini. Miii bro, imagine being in the sun, while all the newrds are back home shoveling snow.

Kick It Old School

When you were a kid, a snow day meant burning your homework and heading outside. You can still feel that good. Just set up an email auto response “I’m away from my desk” and shlap on some fuzzy boots. While you're at it, beat some kids at a snowball fight. Victory is yours, my friend.

Stay Inside the Whole Day

Nothing says "winter" like piling up every blanket you have and getting your snooze on. Movie marathons, magazine binge reading and reorganizing your shoe closet are also acceptable options. It's especially fun when you open the shades and watch people trying to trek through the snow and ice. I'll admit, placing bets on who wipes out is kinda fun.


If you're staying in, you're gonna have to eat. And eat well you will! Try out all those winter dishes you have saved in your “recipes” bookmark or better yet, check out my Lazy Day menu. We got recipes for every occasion. Chowder and Penne Aglio-olio-Anything (pictured above) warm you up inside, but the heat of your stove helps too.

At the moment, we’re unable to control Mother Nature, no matter how advanced our cell phones get. Live it up a little, or just catch up on Bitchin' Kitchen episodes you DVR’d! Both are good.


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