Today in Food Tech: Breakfast Sandwich Maker and the Ultimate Armchair

Food and technology sitting in a tree, I-N-N-O-V-A-T-I-N-G. It seems every day some new food-related techie thingamajig gets announced. We here at Devour like both food and technology so this kind of stuff makes us happy. After all, what would we do at 4AM without infomercials for food preparation products? Today we have two cool inventions. Let’s get to it.

First up is a machine engineered with one task in mind, making awesome breakfast sandwiches. Hamilton Beach’s Breakfast Sandwich Maker is a humongous tower of eggy goodness. It has slots for bread, eggs, cheese, meat and just about anything else you can think of. You can even use pancakes as the bread if you want to recreate an item found at a fast food restaurant that starts with "Mc" and rhymes with "fiddle."

Next up is an armchair so glorious, so stupendous, that once you have it you may never leave your living room ever again. What does it do? Besides being comfortable, it refills your beer for you automatically. That’s right. GrinOn Industries’ Bottoms Up Home Unit is an armchair that comes equipped with a specially-designed tap that refills your beer with the press of a button (see it in action in the video above). Of course, you could also use soda or, yikes, water.

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