Move Over Coffee - Caffeinated Gum is on the Way

The morning ritual is one of the most sacred parts of the day. Of course, there is the showering and eating of breakfast but more importantly there is the coffee -- sweet, sweet coffee pumping caffeine through our veins and getting us ready for the day ahead. Could anything ever replace it? Well, if one company has its way, it soon may be replaced by gum.

Wrigley, who you may know from making just about every gum ever, has been rapidly and nervously prepping their very own caffeinated gum. Wrigley’s Alert Energy Caffeine Gum comes packed with 40 milligrams of caffeine per piece. If you chew two slices you’ll be getting as much caffeine as one cup of coffee. If you go crazy and chew eight slices you’ll finally design that nachos blog you've been meaning to get around to.

The gum is set to arrive in some stores next month, with a full national roll out planned for summer. A pack of eight fruit or mint flavored sticks will set you back around $2.99. Maybe they should work on putting caffeine in cereal next to kill two jittery birds with one jittery stone.

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