Sushi Restaurant Puts Brood II Cicadas on the Menu

Grab some high-quality ear plugs: the cicadas are coming. This spring, billions of these noisy insects will be emerging from the ground to annoy the living pants out of us. This collosal invation happens once every 17 years -- the result of their lengthy gestation cycle -- and this year's influx is known as Brood II. You know what that means. Let's eat 'em!

Wait... what? You heard that right. A New Haven, Connecticut restaurant called Miya's Sushi will be putting the soon-to-be-plentiful ingredient all over their menu. This is no marketing gimmick, however. The restaurant's owner, Bun Lai, has stated that he prefers eating bugs to meat and Miya's Sushi already features several grasshopper dishes.

So while our ear drums and gross-out muscles are getting an extra work-out, at least we can bask in the knowledge that we won't go hungry. There will literally be billions of tasty morsels flying all around us. Yum.


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