This Coffee Shop Charges by the Hour and not by the Cup
The work-at-home types are the bane of every coffee shop's existence. They set up camp, buy one coffee and proceed to sit there pretty much all day. Coffee shops have tried many tactics to curb this behavior (of mine), including limiting WiFi time and access to laptop charging. However one coffee shop seems to have the solution to this problem down to an exact science.
Germany's Slow Time Cafe has completely reversed how you pay at coffee shops. At this cafe you pay by the hour, and not by the cup. The coffee is free and all-you-can-drink, but the time you have to drink it can cost a pretty penny. The first half hour costs around $2.57 and each hour after that will set you back around $3.88.
This is a boon for those among us who like to drink as much coffee as possible in the shortest amount of time. Maybe they'll let you do the equivalent of a keg stand on the espresso machine.