Julibox is Like Netflix For Booze

Sometimes you want a fancy drink but you don't feel like traipsing all the way out to your local watering hole. There are people there, after all. Also, buying the ingredients for a true blue cocktail tends to be both inconvenient and expensive. Orange juice just doesn't grow on trees. Now you can use the magic of the Internet to make yourself a night cap to be proud of.

Introducing Julibox, which is sort of like Netflix for booze. Each month they send you a box of ingredients to make two different cocktails curated by their in-house staff of alcoholism enablers. The box contains enough ancillary ingredients and liquor to make four drinks, two of each variety. Now if anyone sees you sullenly sitting on a stool and mumbling to yourself, you can just say you are telling your problems to the bartender.

Julibox seems like a great idea but, warning, it costs $40 a month which works out to around ten bucks a drink. Convenience is expensive, I guess.


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