KFC Singapore Launches Deep-Fried Shrimp Pasta Roll

There is nothing better than a good old-fashioned carbo-loading session. Pizza is great! Pasta is fantastic! Pasta on pizza is overkill, but still pretty awesome! On that note, here's another carb-on-carb creation for you to lustily drool after but, under doctor's orders, not eat.

KFC Singapore has released something they lovingly call the Deep-Fried Pasta Shrimp Roll. This bread-based divinity features hunks of shrimp, pasta and cheese which is then rolled in dough and deep-fried for your culinary pleasure. They're sort of like egg rolls, only with cheese and pasta to make them even more unhealthy. Yes!

If you are in or around Singapore, these shrimp rolls are available now and only for a limited time. Get them with soda and fries to complete the health trifecta.

If this news makes you long for some fresh fruit and produce, get Cooking Channel's best healthy summer recipes.

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