NYC Eatery Eliminates Tips and Gives Employees Benefits Instead

If there's one golden rule in dining, it's gotta be that you always tip your servers. That's how they make a living, after all. This is an eternal and immutable truth, along with never putting ketchup on a hot dog and avoiding treats before dinner. Well, one NYC restaurant has thrown caution to the wind and gotten rid of tipping altogether. Wait, really? Really.

NYC's Sushi Yasuda is the offending eatery, but it's not nearly as sinister as it seems. The restaurant is simply paying their employees more, along with offering them benefits like health insurance, sick leave and even vacation days. This is how it's done across Japan and much of Europe, so they are in good company.

Being as how servers usually work for as little as $2.13 an hour, this seems like a net positive for them. We'll let you know if any other restaurants pick up on this custom. In the meantime, feel free to dress your hot dogs however you want.

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Los Angeles Eatery Gives Discount if You Hand Over Your Phone

Eva Restaurant, located on Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles, will collect your cellphone at the door and in exchange will cut 5 percent from your check total.


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