Today in Food Tech: Anti-Theft Pint Glass and CakeChips

At first blush, food and technology don't seem to be natural buddies but, hey, at one point even fire was considered the height of tech. Prometheus may have long since become eagle feed, but food technology has continued to advance. Today in food tech? An anti-theft pint glass and CakeChips.

Getting a brand new pint glass and having a drunk buddy walk away with it is one of the great tragedies of life. Cider-maker Kopparberg has created a set of pint glasses complete with custom-made security tags. They explode with ink if you walk more than 100 meters away from the source. That'll show em, even if it was just a mistake!

Next, CakeChips. You read that right. These are chips made out of cake. They feature all of the convenience of their potato brethren only, well, made completely out of cake. They even come with a variety of frosting-like dipping sauces. Uh, gimme. Hit up their Kickstarter and be the first kid on your block to taste the sublime pleasure of the CakeChip.


So Much Pretty Food Here