Japanese Cafe Uses Goats to Take Patrons Closer to Nature

Living in a big city can wreak havoc on your inner Thoreau. There are few trees in site and enough people to send you into an anxiety spiral at the thought of going to your corner grocery. One Tokyo cafe is trying to help people forget their big city blues and bring them closer to nature. How are they doing that? With goats, of course.

Cat and dog cafes have been doing booming business in Japan, but Sakuragaoka Cafe takes it one furry step further. Owner Rena Kawaguchi has raised two friendly goats named Chocolate and Sakura and has taken to bringing them to the cafe every day. So if you want to find out what life on the farm is like, only with free WiFi and plenty of fancy coffee drinks, head to Tokyo.

Is she stopping with goats? Heck no! Kawaguchi hopes to open an elephant cafe in the future. Espresso and pachyderms? Sign me up.


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