'Just Add Water' Beer Coming Soon

The days of being forced to drink cans and bottles of pre-made beer are almost a thing of the past. For too long, the consumer has been sucking down brewskis whose liquid content has already been decided by some higher power. Well, thanks to the boozy magic of technology, there is now another way. Yes, someone has finally invented a beer that is created by just adding water.

Pat’s Backcountry Beverages are behind the drink. Essentially it is a tube filled with ingredients and CO2 because nobody likes flat beer. Think of it as an on-the-go Sodastream. You just add water, shake it around a bit and let the beer-making wizards inside of the tube do the rest.

The process here is called "Hybrid Brewing Technology" and was actually invented by the Pat of Pat's Backcountry Beverages. These will start going on sale in September and are expected to cost $9.95 for a pack of four.

Next Up

The Beer Chicks

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