Philly's Deep-Fried Twinkie Burger

Our long national nightmare is over. For a while there it looked like Twinkies were gone forever. Hostess went kaput and with them went everyone's favorite cream-filled treat. Then, thanks to some corporate canoodling, Twinkies came back. File that under "we dodged a bullet." One Philadelphia eatery is celebrating the feat in artery-clogging style.

Philly's PYT, who are no stranger to novelty grub, have just unleashed their Deep-Fried Twinkie Burger. This beast boasts deep-fried Twinkies for buns and the meat comes topped with a whole boatload of bacon. Speaking of meat, the patty is comprised primarily of pork belly.

This sandwich may seem like something out of a state fair, but Philadelphia residents can chomp down on one without having to play a weird dunking game. Just don't tell your doctor you had one.


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