Taste Test: Dominique Ansel's New Cookie Shot at SXSW

Late last night, after packing into techie panels and indie film premieres, the crowds at SXSW queued more than two city blocks for a first taste of pastry wizard (and Cronut creator) Dominique Ansel’s newest invention, the milk-and-cookie shot.

The dessert, a deceptively soft and gooey chocolate chip cookie shaped into a shot glass holding a slug of ice-cold milk, raises a few questions: How does it work? And how do you eat it? Is it as good as it looks?

So we went to Dominque himself to get answers. He gave us the bittersweet-chocolate scoop and let us try one. See for yourself below.

Cooking Channel: Your brain never rests! What inspired this crazy new concoction?

Dominique Ansel: I wanted something new and original for SXSW, since that’s what this festival’s all about. I wanted to elevate a cookie and milk, so I found a way to mold it into a cup and put milk inside. It’s a fun way to enjoy a classic.

CC: How do you eat it: half-sip, half-cookie or the full milk shot, then the cookie?

DA: I think have the full shot of milk, then eat the cookie.

CC: Why are Cronuts fit into the scene at SXSW?

DA: It’s a place where creativity and innovation is involved, and that’s what the cronut and my baking is all about.

In case you’re still confused by the edible dessert vessel, this is how it all went down:

*Editor’s note: As for how to keep milk from dripping through, it turns out that the cookie is lined with a thin, crisp veneer of dark chocolate to keep that milk from seeping out. Oh! And yes, it's pretty darned good.

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