Drinkable Sunscreen is Now a Thing Because People are Insane
Beach days are nearly upon us and it is about time everyone starts thinking about protecting their skin from that rapscallion, the sun. Sure, you could do this the old fashioned way, by having a beautiful maiden or hunky stud spread it on your back. You could also do this the new-fangled way, by, um, drinking it.
That's right. Defying all modern ideas of how to preserve this thing we call life, you can now buy drinkable sunscreen. It's called Harmonized H20 and all you have to do is toss down a shot of this stuff and you'll be good to go for four hours. There are two versions available, tanning and non-tanning. One would hope the tanning variety would feature a delicious berry-like taste.
Of course, the claims of this product have in no way been endorsed by the FDA, so there's that. Drink at your own risk.