What Do You Think of These $200 Square Watermelons?

It's summer time and the living is easy. Besides all of that easy living, there are plenty of picnics and barbecues to attend. Wanna be a hero? Bring a gigantic watermelon to your next outdoor shindig. Wanna be a superhero? Bring a gigantic square watermelon to your next outdoors shindig.

Square watermelons have once again been showing up in Vancouver supermarkets, at the low, low price of $200. You read that right. For the price of 20 regular-shaped watermelons, you could walk out of there with one square one! What are the benefits of a square watermelon? Well, besides that whole shape thing, not a whole lot. They taste just like a watermelon. If you prick it, doth thou not bleed sugar water?

This is not the only ridiculous shape transformation that's taken place for watermelons. Farmers in Japan recently figured out a way to turn them heart-shaped.

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