This App Delivers Prepped Ingredients to Your Door

The notion of getting food delivered is not a new one. It started with pizza and Chinese food many decades ago. Then came grocery delivery services like FreshDirect. Finally, there's services such as Blue Apron, which deliver pre-apportioned ingredients for use in curated recipes. What if you like your ingredients not only pre-apportioned but also already prepped? Don't worry lazybones. There's an app for that as well.

Forage -- the name urging you to feel like one half of that infamous hunter/gatherer pairing -- is a new web service that delivers prepped ingredients to your door. Just like Blue Apron, the ingredients are for use in recipes, but Forage does all of that annoying cutting and chopping for you. Never again shall you suffer the injustice of a weepy onion session! Never again shall you risk life and limb chopping tomatoes.

The service is currently in early access, which means they are testing it out on rubes. It should go online for the rest of us within a month or so.


So Much Pretty Food Here