This Company Inexplicably Delivers Airline Food Right to Your Door

Airline food. Those two words conjure up images of nearly edible meals served in plastic trays that you just try to force down your gullet as you watch that one Adam Sandler movie where he plays his own twin sister. In other words, the only James Beard award it would win would be the coveted "managed not to blow chunks on the way to New Mexico." Well, here is a company that delivers airline food right to your door so you can manage not to blow chunks on the way to your living room as well.

The pun-loving folks over at Air Food One will fill your home with the delicate aromas of off-gray turkey and biscuit cookies. It works a lot like Fresh Direct and other food-on-demand services. You simply sign up and, like nearly palatable magic, once a week you'll be staring down a piping hot plate of something that is sure to give you calories and technically prolong your life.

The good news? All of this can be yours for the low, low price of $12 a week. The bad news? It's only available in Germany, for now. Looks like you'll have to make due with simply leaving your food out on the counter for a couple of days before eating it.

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So Much Pretty Food Here