Frankenfood Trend Hits Critical Mass With Ramen Donut

Frankenfoods, otherwise known as foods that mush two disparate things together, have made bona-fide stars out of doughnuts and ramen noodles. Both the Cronut and the Ramen Burger have set the world, or at least parts of New York City, on fire. Why, then, have these two franken-monarchs never been franken-paired together? They have now. Introducing the Ramen Doughnut.

You know how doughnuts taste good with jelly inside of them? Now imagine that, instead of jelly or creme, they were filled with, uh, ramen noodles. That's the idea behind this new Japanese creation, which is being sold at popular eatery Osaka Ohsho. The dish is meant to be savory, so the doughnut is more plain dough than sugar-bomb. Also, they only cost two bucks a pop, which is actually cheaper than one 'artisanally made' doughnut.

So if you are in Japan and simply won't settle for just one carb, try one of these bad boys out. Also, would someone have to actually make a doughnut out of shark meat in order to have this trend finally jump the shark? Probably.


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