Guy Wins Science by Inventing Levitating Cocktail Machine
Remember Charlie Francis? Founder of the Lick Me I'm Delicious ice cream company, he is perhaps better known for inventing glow in the dark ice cream. Well, his propensity for unnecessary inventions didn't stop there. Francis is back with his latest creation, a cocktail machine that that creates floating drinks.
He calls it the Levitron. It uses obscenely potent sound waves to levitate droplets of alcohol and mixer in the air. Francis and his partner, Bristol University Professor Bruce Drinkwater, have used the machine to create levitating gin and tonic at 70 percent proof and levitating Bloody Mary cocktail at 160 percent proof. The drinks have to be incredibly potent to account for the fact that if they feature too much liquid they will no longer be able to float.
Just how potent are these drinks? Francis says an average-sized human could get drunk on as little as four drops.