Burger King Japan Lets You Gorge on Unlimited Whoppers For $11

You know, back in the old days, America used to be the undisputed world champ of all-you-can-eat meals. This country was practically raised on massive piles of mashed potatoes and subpar ice cream sundaes. Well, it looks like the good ole US of A is slipping in yet another arena. Burger King Japan has started offering up all-you-can-eat Whoppers. Sigh.

The deal will set you back a reasonable $11, which nets you all the beefy goodness you can possibly manage to squeeze down your maw, with a few caveats. First of all, you have to eat two Whoppers, a medium fry and a medium soda in order to qualify to keep eating. Then, you only have a half hour to consume all of that beef. Finally, this offer is only for your standard Whopper and none of those fancy-pants new versions. Still, if you just got rescued from a deserted island and you are starving, this wouldn't be a bad place to start.

If you are planning on booking a trip to Japan to take advantage of this deal, it only lasts until November 13th.

Next Up

Burger King Japan Starts Topping Burgers With Berries

Burger King Japan throws a bunch of random berries on a new burger, calls it art.


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