California Restaurant Makes a Burrito Out of Pho Noodles

California eatery Komodo concocts a burrito made out of the Vietnamese soup pho.

Society has finally come to this. After a year filled with ramen burgers and creepy donut hybrids, here comes a frankenfood sourced from a burrito and a bowl of Vietnamese soup.

California cafe Komodo -- which also doubles as a food truck and catering service -- has just unveiled the appropriately named P hởritto, a burrito stuffed with to the gills with pho. Now, before you start worrying about spilling stock all over your shirt, the burrito is delightfully free of wet stuff. It does, however, feature rib-eye steak, cilantro, bean sprouts, onions, Thai basil, jalapeño, lime juice and, of course, pho noodles. They even give you some hoisin sauce and sriracha for dipping.

This is only available in California, but those of you made hungry by this post can always do a double take-out jaunt and do a little frankfooding of your own.

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