Copycat of NYC's Grimaldi's Pizzeria Shows up in China
It's no secret that China is filled with savvy entrepreneurs who make money by copying popular stores in every way possible. There are fake Apple stores, fake Ikea stores and even fake Disney stores. Now, according to some eagle-eyed foodies currently in Shanghai, there is a fake Grimaldi's pizzeria.
To the uninitiated, Grimaldi's is one of NYC's more revered pizza parlors. Since Patsy Grimaldi opened up his first pizzeria in 1933, it has become something of a small national chain, with official branches all over the place. Now there is an absolutely unofficial knockoff in Shanghai, China . The menu is the same and, according to a recently filed lawsuit, some of the chefs have even been poached from the original location in DUMBO, Brooklyn.
However, according to those that have tried it, the food is not cut from the same cheesecloth. "Sad" is a word that seems to be thrown around a lot when discussing it, as a matter of fact. This just goes to show, you can't go home again if that home is across the world and not actually your home at all but a shameless knockoff. Oh well.
Meanwhile, here's how to make your own knockoff NY-style pizza at home.