Breaking and Following The Chocolate Rules

It's chocolate week on Cooking Channel.
By: Cooking Channel Staff

It's chocolate week on Cooking Channel. You may be saying, "I'm pretty sure e very week is chocolate week, buddy." You have a great point, but it's a little silly to talk back to a blog.

Of course we're prepping for Valentine's Day which is less than a week away. And on that subject, here's a tip: Don't go out to dinner on Valentine's Day. Restaurants use the holiday as an excuse to markup the cost of a scallop by about 300%. You'll make a better impression by cooking the meal yourself ( a juicy roasted chicken is a pretty solid bet). Then -- and this is the kicker -- to really win over this person you've right-swiped on Tinder or perhaps have been courting for years, you need to give her/him something chocolate. We know this because in a survey of people writing this right now, 100% agree that chocolate is the best way to show your devotion to another person. For your inspiration, Cooking Channel is dedicating each night this week to shows about chocolate.

The theme week begins Sunday, February 8th at 8pm ET with a new special hosted by Justin Warner, Breaking the Rules: Chocolate. Americans consume about three billion pounds of chocolate a year. Justin will check out some of the coolest things being done with chocolate, debunk some chocolate myths, and then completely reinventing the chocolate chip cookie. Check out our schedule to see what other chocolate insanity is lined up. And remember to watch Breaking the Rules: Chocolate on February 8th at 8pm ET. Don't be choco- late. (Nailed it.)

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