Quiz: Antique Cooking Tool or Torture Device?

Browse through these photos of old tools and try to guess if they were used for kitchen or for torture.
By: Cooking Channel Staff



Every good chef needs a good set of tools. When Debi Mazar and Gabriele Corcos are in Tuscany, they try to cook with unique Tuscan tools whenever possible. And, like any chef, they're always looking to add to their arsenal. On tonight's Extra Virgin at 9pm ET, they'll take the kids to a flea market go on the hunt for traditional cooking utensils. Debi and Gabriele are on the lookout for antiques with history, stories and soul to decorate their kitchen. It turns out, a lot of antique kitchen tools can look pretty sinister. For example, the above photo might look like a bludgeoning device, but it's actually a molinillo, a tool used by Spaniard colonists in Mexico since the early 18th century to make hot chocolate. Browse through these photos of old tools after the jump and try to guess if they were used for cooking or for torture. Highlight below each photo with your mouse to reveal the answer (or check the comments below).

Highlight Here: COOKING. Vintage jar lifter

Highlight here: COOKING. Ulu, an Inuit knife used for skinning animals and butchering.

Highlight here: TORTURE. This is called a knee-splitter. Yowch!

Highlight here: COOKING. 1st-3rd century spoons.

Highlight here: COOKING. Antique hand-crank butter churn.

Highlight here: TORTURE. This is called a head crusher.

Highlight here: COOKING. Antique coffee grinder.

Let us know how you did in the comments and watch Extra Virgin at 9pm ET to see which antique cooking tools Debi and Gabriele bring home and how they use them.

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