Chuck Hughes Answers Your Top Questions

Chuck Hughes from Cooking Channel

He's already competed in Kitchen Stadium, worked hard on his Day Off and spent the week in Mexico. For Chuck Hughes' next challenge, he decided to take on: Your questions.

Chuck stopped by the Cooking Channel Facebook Page earlier today to answer questions from his fans. In case you missed it, here are some of your best questions and his answers:

@Jimmy Jimmy BoBimmy got things started off right with a question about Thanksgiving: I'd like to do something non-traditional for Thanksgiving by breaking down the turkey and preparing different parts in different ways. Any suggestions?

Chuck Hughes: Try finding a turkey with 8 drumsticks - that's the best part! Haha Brining is awesome though.

@Jerry asked: What's your favorite olive oil brand/type to use for finishing or cooking?

CH: I haven't bought olive oil from a store in years. I get it all from my Greek landlord. Yo, What's up, George!

@Alicia wanted to know if Chuck ever makes food for his dog.

CH: My dog is veggie believe or not - apples, carrots and celery sticks are her faves.

@Lisa wanted Chuck to know: Sorry they booted you off Iron Chef. It definitely wasnt your time to leave; Edmontonians were supporting you!

CH: Thanks, Lisa. Go Habs!

@Ken wondered where Chuck would go on his next Week Off.

CH: I would love to go to Greece, but ultimate favorite would be Japan!

@Torie asked: Best dish you ate in Mexico was....?

CH: Chocolate clams for sure!

@Lori Anne asked what Chuck's next tattoo would be.

CH: Hi Lori Anne - A can of sardines, and maybe your name, xoxo (wink).

Watch Chuck get his latest tattoo in this exclusive web video from his new series, Chuck's Week Off: Mexico:

[SNAP path="videos/chucks-mexico-tattoo" vid=" 0174093"]
@Michael wanted to know how Chuck stays fit.

CH: I play hockey, hit the gym and hip hop abs!

@Pat: I'm so glad you got to visit Mexico. It's a beautiful country and the food is amazing! Of course, I'm a bit partial I'm Mexican and very proud of it.

CH: Gracias Pat, Viva Mexico!!! Mi gusta todo en comida, la gente y la pura vida.

@Alyssa asked: If you were to open a restaurant in the US, what city would it be in?

CH: I would love to open a place in Portland Maine and the theme would be Lobstah!

@Zaynab wanted to know what languages Chuck spoke.

CH: I speak French and English pretty well, and Spanish I'm still learning. German, not at all.

Get all of Chuck's answers from the chat here. And as a bonus, Chuck pulled five questions he didn't get to from the chat to answer for this post:

@Kamsha: Best dish ever?

CH: Matane Shrimp. They are sweet and local in Quebec and only available for a short period of time but are awesome!

Dorado Recipe
@Jenn: What do you like eat when you come home at the end of your day?

CH: A can of sardines with hot peppers and crackers, big tomatoes with steak spice of course ice cream!

@Natalie: Did you bond with anyone from Next Iron Chef?

CH: I bonded with everyone, but I've got to give a shout out to Big Beau Mac, and a "What's Up?" to my man Spike.

@Kasia: Any suggestions for a quick and tasty Mexican dinner?

CH: Check out this Dorado Con Crema recipe, and you don't have to catch your own fish! And check out Chuck's Week Off: Mexico for more recipes.

@Laura: Soccer, or only hockey?

CH: I love to play soccer. I actually did play in Mexico with the Chapuline soccer team in Oaxaca.

Chuck Hughes from Cooking Channel

Thank you, Cooking Channel fans, for your great questions. Big thanks to Chuck Hughes for participating in our chat! And remember to tune-in to Chuck’s Week Off: Mexico tonight at 10:30p|9:30c.

Next Up

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