Behind the Scenes: How to Make Kombucha


Our culinary staff visited a kombucha maker to learn about the strange (and simple) science required to make the fermented beverage.


Related To:

Kombucha: Getting Started

Jovan Sage — a fermentation enthusiast, herbalist-in-training, food justice activist, aspiring cafe proprietor and current associate director at Slow Food USA –– tells us that kombucha making is more method than recipe. Here's a peek at her method.

What You'll Need

Sugar, tea, a pot, a jar — the requirements are minimal.

The sweetened tea concentrate gets transferred to the brewing vessel.

It's alive! The SCOBY, or "mother," is added to the diluted tea.

Hurry up and wait: From this point, it'll be one month before the kombucha is ready. 

Jovan inspecting a recent batch — this one flavored with minced ginger, which lends a terrific kick.

Jovan's crazy-good kombucha — served here in a juice glass, but so good it's worthy of a champagne flute.  

Click here to read more about Jonathan and Heather's trip to Jovan's home-brewing station.

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