Hilarious, entertaining and deliciously demented, Nadia G's Bitchin' Kitchen is a comedy-cooking show based on the wildly popular web series. Chef-comedienne Nadia G. looks at the funny side of everyday situations and turns them into occasions worth celebrating — with food! From 'Recession Recipes' and 'Impressing the In-laws' to 'Break-up Brunches,' Nadia G. rocks the kitchen with her tasty techniques and stiletto-sharp wit.
See Nadia G's Best Recipes
Nadia's Best Recipes 32 Photos
Gorgonzola and Portobello Mushroom Risotto will have you licking the bowl.
Meet the Crew
Nadia and the Crew
Get to know Nadia and the cast of characters behind Bitchin' Kitchen and Bite This.
Music Videos and More
Laugh Out Loud
Into stuff like laughing? Check out Nadia's crazy kitchen antics and music videos.
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Rock this Look 16 Photos
Nadia rocks fab style in and out of the kitchen. See her best outfits and where to get them.
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About the Host
Nadia G
She's young, funny and can cook up a storm in three-inch cherry stiletto heels. Bad-girl chef Nadia G whips up the perfect blend of food and humor for any occasion.