Chuck's Favorite Eats: Detroit
Find out where to eat on Michigan Avenue in Detroit.
Detroit's Michigan Avenue
Everybody loves a comeback story, and Detroit has one of the best. The city that gave us Motown and muscle cars also has people with grit, pride and food traditions they stick with through thick and thin. To find them, Chuck Hughes is eating his way along Michigan Avenue.
Take It Slow's
Chuck's first stop is one of Detroit's best barbecue joints, Slow's Bar-B-Q.
Smoked Ribs
Chef Brian Perrone makes his famous smoked St. Louis ribs for Chuck and finishes off the meal with some homemade potato salad.
Hygrade Deli
At Hygrade Deli, Chuck visits Stuart Litt to learn about the art of meat.
The Packing House
Stuart makes Chuck his signature triple-decker roast beef sandwich, aka the "Packing House," which includes layers of thick-cut Swiss cheese, coleslaw and Thousand Island dressing.
La Pita
At La Pita, Chef Hassan Hamid introduces Chuck to Lebanese home cooking.
Hassan shows Chuck how to make a traditional Middle Eastern dish called melokhieh, a soup made with Egyptian mallow leaves.
Mercury Bar
Chuck's final stop on Michigan Avenue is Mercury Bar, where they get deliciously creative with their sandwich and burger toppings.
Motown Classic
Chef Ariel Millan cooks up a Motown classic for Chuck –– a grilled bologna sandwich with a "smosh" of potato chips –– and Chuck approves.
Sweet Ending
Chuck enjoys a sweet finish to his meal at Mercury Bar: a creamy Boston Cooler.
Watch Chuck's Eat the Street
Having gotten a delicious taste of Motor City, Chuck revs his engine to continue his search for the country's best bites.