Get to Know Tia Mowry

We asked Tia about her tips for busy moms, her favorite foods and more.

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Cooking Channel: How do you get your son, Cree, to try new foods?
Tia Mowry:
When Cree sees that Mommy's eating it, he'll be more inclined to try it. So I'll try it first in front of him. If he's still not into it, I'll try something fun like saying, "Cree, you ready to take a big dinosaur bite?" That usually does it. 

CC: On the Date Night episode of Tia Mowry at Home, you talk about putting broccoli into a smoothie to get Cree to eat vegetables. Do you have any other tricks to sneak some nutrients into his diet?
TM: Spinach in the meatballs and avocado in fruit smoothies.

CC: What are your tips for keeping his hunger at bay on the go?
TM: I always pack snacks: fresh fruit, organic graham crackers, organic goldfish, etc.

CC: What is your signature dish?
TM: I would say that my spaghetti and meatballs is my "signature" dish, certainly amongst my family and friends. I could whip it up with my eyes closed at this point. 

CC: What do you cook after a long day on set?
TM: Honestly, breakfast. It seems to me the quickest option after a long day: eggs, spinach, turkey sausage and strawberries dipped, no, dunked in Nutella. 

CC: Do you have any other cooking shortcuts you like to use?
TM: I like to chop up veggies like carrots, onions and celery in bulk, in advance. I keep them in the freezer and fridge so that they're ready to go whenever I want to cook!

CC: Do you and Tamera have the same tastes in food?
TM: Definitely. We're twins, duh. 

CC: What are you favorite childhood dishes?
 My mom's curried chicken and my dad's short ribs, hands down.

CC: What is your favorite guilty pleasure food?
 Red velvet cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies.

CC: Who is the food person you most admire?
 Ina Garten.

CC: If you weren’t an actress, what would you be?
A gynecologist or a hair stylist.

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