How to Cold-Smoke Fruits and Vegetables

On Attack of the Scrumptious Tomato, Jason Wrobel visits Chef Jeffery Gardner at Alma Cocina restaurant and discovers the art of cold-smoking.
Cold-smoking is a great technique that introduces a complex, smoky flavor to fruits and vegetables without cooking them. This process keeps their texture firm and their color and raw nutritional benefits intact. You can do this easily at home on a grill. Place your fruits or veggies in a pie tin with holes poked in the bottom to allow the smoke to pass through and put it on the grill. Soak any flavor of wood chips in cold water for at least an hour, then place them on a sheet of aluminum foil and put it where the charcoal goes on the bottom of the grill. Light the wood chips but do not turn on the gas in the grill, then cover. The wood chips will smolder at a low temperature, 90-100 degrees F, but will not catch fire, lending a nice smoky flavor to the produce above. You can also elevate the pie tin above a pan of ice to ensure the temperature is kept cold (this is optional). Maintain the smoke for about 20-30 minutes for maximum flavor. This technique works especially well with sweeter fruits and vegetables, like tomatoes, bell peppers and grapes.

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