Thirsty Thursday: A Beer-ly Legal Cocktail

Alie and Georgia find inspiration in the hotdog for their refreshing beer-based cocktail.
By: Roberto Ferdman
Beerly Legal Cocktail

It’s more than just alliteration; it’s a statement, a proclamation that Thursdays are when the weekend should really start. Kicking it off right is the key, and what better way than with a cocktail that not only takes the edge off, but tastes good too. A hard thing to disagree with, we know. Drink up, get down and go to sleep happy.

Crazy fun names are always harbingers of crazy awesome cocktails, and Alie and Georgia's Beer-ly Legal Cocktail proves the rule. Brought to life with fresh tangerine juice and orange aperitif, the cocktail gets topped off with a splash of light beer. Get the recipe and watch them find their inspiration for the libation in the humble hotdog (which also gives rise to several wiener jokes.)

Bottoms up, folks.

[SNAP path="/videos/beer-ly-legal-cocktail" vid=" 0187463"]

1 serving


2 ounces fresh tangerine juice
1 ounce orange aperitif, such as Campari or Aperol

Ice, for serving

8 ounces light beer, such as Miller High Life

Maraschino cherry, for garnish


Pour the tangerine juice and orange aperitif into a large pint glass filled with ice and stir. Pour over the beer to top and stir again. Set all self-judgment aside, and garnish with a cherry. Drink while eating a hot dog and toast to beer made bitter and better.

Get the Recipe:
More Crazy Cocktails:

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